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Cosni cosmetics CO.LTD which was founded in 1993 is an expertise in researching developing and manufacturing cosmetics.
Our facial mask and make up cosmetics have a very good reputation in the world market..

Except skin care and make up cosmetics, we have business in parfume, hair dressing etc, almost all the range related to the cosmetics.

多元化发展空间,同时研究开发各类化妆品代加工的OEM/ODM 服务。
We provide OEM/ODM service with high quality but competitive price. All kinds of skin care and make up products are our business range.
主要生产疗效 容面贴膜.面膜膏.洗面奶.眼贴膜.鼻膜.收缩水.粉刺液.珍珠膏.珍珠粉.口红.化妆笔.眼影.粉饼.睫毛膏.指甲油.等系列高品质化妆品以优越的质量及价格比,深受消费者的青睐。产品远销美国.英国.法国.日本.东欧.非洲.中东等国家和地区。
中国加入WTO 以后,为进一步与国际市场接轨,我们将不断努力开发更多物美价廉的产品来满足我们的客户。

After we are the member of WTO, everyday we are trying our best to develop more and more new products with the best price.

With an open attitude to the suggestions come from all of the directions, we are confident to have a bright future in cosmetcis.


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